June 10, 1994                                                                                                               For Immediate Release 


In response to a question from Garry Breitkreuz, MP (Yorkton-Melville), the Honourable Allan Rock, Minister of Justice has confirmed that his government is currently reviewing the law which gives parents the right to spank their children. Section 43 of the Criminal Code of Canada currently protects parents who use reasonable physical force to correct their children's behaviour. 

Breitkreuz asked, "Can the Minister advise this House whether or not he is currently considering a repeal of Section 43 of the Criminal Code? Mr. Rock confirmed that an internal, departmental review was in fact under way and added, "No decision has yet been made whether proposals are going to be brought forward, whether discussion is going to be encouraged publicly or whether a change is going to be proposed." 

In March the Toronto Star reported that 70% of Canadian parents stated that they believe it is sometimes necessary for parents to use physical discipline to correct their children's behaviour. Breitkreuz asked, "If the Minister isn't considering changes to Section 43, and 70% of parents support the current law, then why is his department spending time and taxpayer's money reviewing it? "Reformers will continue to ask questions in the House until the Minister gives us unequivocal reassurances that no changes will be made to Section 43," pledged Breitkreuz. 
