June 16, 1994 For Immediate Release


Today, Garry Breitkreuz, MP for Yorkton-Melville, expressed his concern for the safety of children in Canada and their "right" to be protected from child molesters. Breitkreuz urged the Minister of Justice to do his job and define the term "sexual orientation" before even considering adding it as a grounds for discrimination in the Canadian Human Rights Act.

"Legal experts have advised that the term "sexual orientation" is too vague and can be misinterpreted by sex perverts including those who prefer to have sex with children", warned Breitkreuz. "Whether they be heterosexual or homosexual, child molesters should not be given even the slightest loop-hole to challenge the Criminal Code of Canada in an attempt to legitimize their sexual perversions. Ten years from now who is to say that paedophiles won't find a judge that is sympathetic to their views?", he asked.

"All Reformers are asking is that the Minister of Justice do his job. Don't leave such an important definition up to the whim of the courts. Make sure Parliament makes laws which have the support of the majority of Canadians. Make sure that Parliament makes the laws - not the courts. And once and for all, please put the rights and safety of our children ahead of the rights of these sick, sick people," pleaded Breitkreuz.


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