March 21, 1995 

For Immediate Release


"My goal is to get government off the people's backs and out of their pockets," says Breitkreuz.

Ottawa - Last Friday in the House of Commons, Garry Breitkreuz, MP for Yorkton-Melville, speaking on a Reform motion urging the government to investigate the feasibility of expanding the use of the RRSP system to cover such personal security needs as periodic unemployment, retirement income, post-secondary education, upgrading and training and non-catastrophic health care. The Registered Personal Security Plan (RPSP) concept arose through the Reform Party's extensive grassroots policy development process and received overwhelming support at the Reform's Membership Assembly held in Ottawa last October.

Breitkreuz said, "It is clear to everyone except this Liberal government that their thirty years of social engineering experiments have failed and failed miserably. The main reason why social programs have become unaffordable and unsustainable is because they create greater and greater dependency on government transfers. Instead of adding to our personal security, the Liberal's approach to social programs is adding to our insecurity."

He continued, "Not only have the Liberal social experiments failed us fiscally and economically, they have also failed us socially. The number of single mothers is increasing dramatically, not because teenagers aren't smarter than we were at their age about sex and birth control, but because many provincial welfare programs will pay welfare to teenagers who leave home just because they have had a disagreement with their parents. It is clear to everyone except old-line politicians that social programs are also destroying families," explained Breitkreuz.

"This country is in need of a major overhaul," demanded Breitkreuz. "The very idea that our country is defined by our social programs is one most Canadians cannot relate to. Individual initiative and personal responsibility, caring and sharing, hard work and dedication, teamwork and cooperation, faith, hope and charity, decency and respect, trust and integrity, justice and fairness, true equality and real democracy, neighbours and community, fundamental rights and freedoms, home and private property, strong families and personal commitment, helping those less fortunate than yourself, and treating others like we would like to be treated ourselves. These are the concepts and values that have built this country, not medicare, unemployment insurance and state-run day care! As thirty years of Liberal social engineering took away our personal responsibility, the very fabric of our society has been destroyed, the morale of the people is broken," declared Breitkreuz.

"Reformers know that government started out to solve the problem but now government itself has become the problem. My goal as a Reform MP is to get government off the people's backs and out of their pockets. I think Reform's Registered Personal Security Plan is one of the ways to help achieve this goal," he concluded.


If you need more information about RPSPs please call:

Yorkton: (306) 782-3309

Ottawa: (613) 992-4394