June 15, 2001                                                                             For Immediate Release


Calls for Referendum of Canadian Alliance Members to Unite the Right

  Yorkton – Garry Breitkreuz, MP for Yorkton - Melville today endorsed the efforts of Stockwell Day, Leader of the Official Opposition, who put his leadership on the line in a bold initiative to unite Canada's two conservative parties. In a speech given to the Empire Club in Toronto, Mr. Day proposed a referendum of Canadian Alliance members within 90 days to begin the unification process.

 “I would urge Joe Clark to launch a similar process in his party and to hold a referendum of his members, so that we can get on with discussions with a clear mandate, guided by our memberships,” Day said.

“If a new party results from these discussions, as I hope it will, I will put my leadership on the line in a wide-open leadership race,” said Day.

“Whatever political entity emerges it must embrace sound, small-c conservative principles and a more democratic form of government for Canada.  A united alternative to the Liberals must be a principle-based, democratic conservative alternative,” Day said.

Breitkreuz echoed Stockwell Day's commitment to preserve the bedrock Alliance principles:

“To be democratic conservatives means accepting time-tested small-c conservative beliefs in balanced budgets, the free market and private property.  We believe in limited, less centralized government, respect for family and community over the intrusive state, concern for law and order and a strong national defence,” said Breitkreuz.

  “We believe that Parliament must be reformed so that individual MPs can have a meaningful voice; that an appointed, patronage-ridden senate is a disgrace; and that citizens must be able to have a direct say over governing their country through such means as initiative and referenda,” said Breitkreuz.

 “Let me tell you today that Mr. Day is not posturing or bluffing when he says that he wants Canadians to have a single democratic conservative option on the ballot in the next election, and that he is putting his leadership on the line to see that happen,” said Breitkreuz. 

 Mr. Day says he will recommend to the Canadian Alliance’s National Council that a Unity Committee be struck.  He will then ask Council to go to the Alliance’s 200,000 members nationwide for a mandate to enter into formal discussions with the Progressive Conservatives.

