July 20, 1994     For Immediate Release 


Garry Breitkreuz, MP for Yorkton-Melville, was pleased with the answers to the questions asked in an Angus Reid poll, released yesterday by the Minister of Human Resources Development but was disappointed that the Minister failed to ask the most important questions in his survey of Canadians. 

"These survey results support long established policies of the Reform Party which call for a return of Unemployment Insurance to a true insurance program," said Breitkreuz. "A large percentage of the respondents agreed with the insurance principle that the more employers or employees use Unemployment Insurance, the higher their premiums should be. Implementing this principle would go a long way to making the UI program self-financing," he claimed. 

Here are some of the survey results which Breitkreuz says are most encouraging: 

Breitkreuz continued, "Unfortunately, whoever designed the Angus Reid survey was no visionary. Why were the most important questions never asked? 

"This is a very important debate and the government is presuming that they can collect $20 billion in payroll taxes from workers and employers and spend it any way they want. The government assumes it should control everything. Only 34% of the respondents to the Angus Reid poll trust the federal government to make the changes that are necessary to reform our social programs. With such a low credibility rating, I don't think the federal government should automatically assume that the Canadian people want them to continue to have total control of the unemployment insurance program. If we are going to discuss options make sure Canadians are aware of all the options not just the ones that benefit the bureaucrats and politicians," demanded Breitkreuz. 


For more information please call: 

Yorkton:- (306) 782-3309 

Ottawa:- (613) 992-4394