RM of Porcupine - October 12, 2005

Garry Breitkreuz, MP for Yorkton-Melville met with about 30 producers from the Somme-Prairie River area on Oct. 12. The farms in the area have been devastated, receiving 17 inches of rain since Aug. 23, 2005.

Combines in the RM of Porcupine are pushing through water and mud. Initially, farmers were trying to go around wet areas, but found water standing throughout their fields.

The ruts being left behind are a major cause of concern for next year. While the immediate emphasis is getting this year's crop off, the damage being done to the fields could be long-lasting.

In the barley crop being harvested by Craig and Elgin Stegemann, about half the grain remains on the ground after the combine has passed. Crops in the area look as though they have been ravaged by hail.

The combines running have all been rigged with dual wheels. According to one farmer, any tractor in the area that is not in operation has had its tires removed and put on a combine. Despite the dual wheels, combines are still getting stuck.

The area received seven inches of rain in one day. On that day this swathed canola crop was washed into the ditch and across the road it sits next to. Canola can still be found in the ditches on either side of the road and in neighbouring fields.

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