Library of Parliament Request

November 19, 2008

The Library of Parliament has requested information regarding firearms.

Specifically, the Library is looking for the following:

  • The number of records entered on the Canadian Police Information Centre for those prohibited from possessing firearms. In the House of Commons in 2006 the figure of 201,097 was provided by the government in response to an Order Paper question. The Library would like an update for this figure.
  • The number of persons who are currently prohibited from owning firearms, held a firearms license or firearms acquisition certification at any time prior to the imposition of the prohibition order.
The Library would like to receive the information in English.



Royal Canadian Mounted Police

  • As of November 19, 2008, the number of records entered on CPIC for those prohibited from possessing firearms was 254,949. (source: CPIC off-line search unit)
  • Between January 1, 1994 and November 20, 2008, the number of persons who held a firearms license or Firearms Acquisition Certificate that was revoked as a result of a prohibition order was approximately 9,400. (source: Canadian Firearms Information System).