PUBLICATION:              Calgary Herald

DATE:                         2003.08.04

EDITION:                    Final

SECTION:                  Opinion

PAGE:                         A12

SOURCE:                   Calgary Herald


Good advice ignored


Why are we not surprised? Last week, Saskatchewan Alliance Member of Parliament Garry Breitkreuz uncovered more damning documents about the gun registry. The newly released information shows sensible warnings from the federal advisory group on firearms (the one in place since 1997) were ignored.

According to Access to Information documents, the User Group on Firearms made some sensible recommendations before it was summarily fired three months ago by Justice Minister Martin Cauchon.

The advisory group told the minister he should decriminalize the possession of unregistered firearms belonging to a licensed owner -- a sensible recommendation, and preferable to the current Firearms Act that can place grandfathers with unregistered guns in jail for up to 10 years.

They also told the Minister in Charge of the Latest Billion Dollar Boondoggle that the program's entire credibility was at risk because police would not enforce it and the law would spur a greater black market in guns, and that "ignoring this will be recognized as a bankrupt policy."

The advisory group's solution to the last dilemma was a recommendation to delay mandatory registration. Actually, anyone who ever talked to a street cop well knows they will never have time to enforce Ottawa-centric and wasteful urban liberal dreams, whether Ottawa delayed full implementation or not. The police are too busy responding to calls on assaults, rapes, and break-and-enters, among other real criminal acts.

Still, as the Liberal government will never admit its error on the gun registry program itself, the two recommendations were at least sensible compromises. No wonder Cauchon fired them.