PUBLICATION:        The Ottawa Citizen

DATE:                         2004.05.12

EDITION:                    Final

SECTION:                  News

PAGE:                         A6

BYLINE:                     Tim Naumetz

SOURCE:                   The Ottawa Citizen


Gun registry office rent has critics up in arms: $1.3M tab for Ottawa office tower headquarters half of total spent on 27 locations nationwide


The federal government is spending $1.3 million annually to rent space for the Canada Firearms Centre in a downtown Ottawa office tower. The tab for the gun registry headquarters in the Clarica Centre -- which bills itself as the "most sophisticated and desirable business address" in the city -- makes up half the entire $3.5 million the government spends on office rent for the firearms program at 27 locations across the country.

Conservative MP Garry Breitkreuz, who obtained the firearm centre's rental bills through the Access to Information Act, said the extravagance is an example of the kind of wild gun-registry spending Auditor General Sheila Fraser singled out more than two years ago.

Mr. Breitkreuz added it is unbelievable the firearms centre is still spending so much on office space for its management following Ms. Fraser's 2002 report, which warned the gun program was to cost $1 billion by 2005. "They have no shame," said Mr. Breitkreuz. "It doesn't seem to trouble them to just keep shovelling money out the door."

The interior of the Clarica Centre, owned and managed by the Sun Life Financial group of companies, features marble flooring, deep carpets and wood-paneled stainless steel elevator cars. The centre consists of two towers, separated by a sunlit, foliage-filled atrium, with Hy's Steak House nestled in one corner on the main floor.

The Embassy of Saudi Arabia occupies space in the west tower of the Clarica Centre and the Embassy of Israel is located in the east tower.

The Public Works Department pays $1,164,017 of the annual rental for the firearms centre. The centre itself puts up the remaining $206,135, but the total bill is attributed as firearm-program cost in government reporting.

The government documents specify total firearms centre space in the building as being 2,317 square metres, at $580 per square metre for annual rent.

David Lees of JJ Barnicke Ltd., a commercial realtor, described the Clarica site as "certainly centre ice, in terms of downtown premier office space" and said thousands of square metres of vacant space are available in Ottawa's west end after the recent high-tech meltdown.

A firearms centre spokesman said about 100 employees of the national staff of 325 are working in the building.

Spokesman Thomas Vares defended the prime location as a good place for the centre because "it's obviously an excellent location to do business."

The firearms centre's lowest rental cost for office space is in Yellowknife, at $162 per square metre annually. The centre pays rent of $290 per square metre, a total of $416,549 annually, for its gun-registry processing site in Miramichi, N.B. The Ottawa rent is the most costly.

The Canadian Taxpayers Federation said the firearms centre is wasting taxpayer dollars.  "The No. 1 rule of thumb when you're in government is if you can find a way to save money, do it," said research director Bruce Winchester.