PUBLICATION:              National Post

DATE:                         2004.05.13

EDITION:                    National

SECTION:                  Editorials

PAGE:                         A23

BYLINE:                     John-Henry Westen

SOURCE:                   National Post


Marching for life in Ottawa


Today's annual National March For Life, organized by Campaign Life Coalition and sponsored by many pro-life and pro-family organizations, will be attended by thousands of Canadians from across the country, as it is every year. This year's march takes place just prior to the expected federal election and affords the opportunity to focus attention on one of the most important political issues of our time.

The pro-life movement is non-partisan, but sees the right to life as the most basic of human rights, and thus only candidates who support the right to life are worthy of support.

Most pro-lifers are concerned about a whole host of human rights issues, such as fighting poverty, abuse, racism and religious discrimination. However, support for the right to life is seen as a requirement -- without the basic right to life none of the other considerations come into play.

Both Evangelical and Catholic leaders have spoken out clearly on the issue.

Focus on the Family's Dr. James Dobson, likely the most popular Christian leader in America, has asked: "Would you vote for a candidate who would support the killing of five-year-old boys and girls whose parents no longer wanted them? Would it matter whether or not you agreed with that politician on economic matters or other issues? Would you get under a 'big tent' with a party that had this one teeny weeny flaw which they might call 'pro-choice on child eradication' within its platform? I pray not."

Pope John Paul II has long insisted Catholics give first consideration when voting to issues of life. And Canadian Catholic Bishop Fred Henry elucidated the Church's position comparing the common political line, "I'm personally opposed to abortion, but I cannot force my morality on others" to someone being "personally opposed to child abuse" but unwilling to defend abused kids.

The tide is turning in the abortion battle. The younger generation is unwilling to stomach unqualified support for abortion-on-demand for any reason and no reason whatsoever at taxpayer expense. It is no surprise that the National March for Life is populated mainly by young people.

The youth of today have seen first-hand with new ultrasound technology that the human child in the womb, is just that -- a child -- and the old lie about the "blob of tissue" has fallen back on those who touted it as evidence of a cover-up. The youth of today have had enough with politically motivated lies. They know that their generation has been decimated by abortion with over 100,000 lives taken every year in Canada through the practice.

Canadian youth have fought against discrimination, yet it is only discrimination based on size, age and helplessness which allows abortion. The child in the womb, is yes smaller, yes younger, and yes more helpless even than a two-year-old child, but she is nonetheless a human child and thus owed human rights.

This year's march will be unique. Women who have undergone abortions and suffered from them will share their stories. Many of these women have joined a group called Silent No More which is bucking the social pressure on women who have had abortions to be silent about the suffering they have endured. Today, in Ottawa, people will hear the truth about abortion and its consequences.

John-Henry Westen, Ottawa.