Government of Saskatchewan News Release
March 29, 2012


Premier Brad Wall today announced that Informa Economics, Inc. will conduct a review of the proposed Viterra acquisition.

"Just like we did with the proposed potash takeover, our government will conduct a very thorough analysis to determine what is in the best interest of the people of Saskatchewan," Wall said. "This independent analysis will inform our position on this acquisition."

On March 20, Glencore International announced the proposed acquisition, which also involves Canadian companies Richardson International and Agrium.
Wall said the independent analysis by Informa will look at all aspects of the proposed deal, including employment, impact on competition and effect on the province's economy and revenues.

Informa Economics, Inc. is a world leader in broad-based agribusiness consulting, economics, transportation, energy and commodity market analysis. Informa Economics has offices around the world, including Winnipeg. Their report to the provincial government is due by May 7, 2012, and will be released to the public a few days later. The review will cost $125,000.

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