AAFC News Release
June 21, 2012

Harper Government Welcomes New Grain Handling Agreements

Ottawa, Ontario – Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz today congratulated the Canadian Wheat Board (CWB) for establishing six new grain handling agreements with Western Canadian industry partners.

“This announcement gives farmers the certainty they need to move forward with their business plans and rightfully market their own wheat and barley,” said Minister Ritz.

“These agreements, once again, demonstrate that the CWB is a viable and competitive marketing option for farmers.”

The agreements signed today with Viterra, Mission Terminal, West Central Road and Rail, Delmar Commodities, Linear Grain and Agro Source complement earlier ones signed with Cargill and Southwest Terminal. They increase the CWB’s footprint across the west and continue to lay the groundwork for the company to compete in an open market for Western Canadian wheat and barley.

The CWB and the grain companies will work together to give farmers across Western Canada the ability to deliver CWB grains, into pools or against cash contracts, to facilities across Western Canada.

The agreements demonstrate how every grain company, including the CWB, will be offering competitive contracts and programs to earn farmers’ business in the new entrepreneurial marketing environment.

The Government of Canada’s top priority is the economy, and the agriculture industry plays an important role in creating jobs and keeping the economy strong. Canada is the world’s fifth-largest exporter of agriculture and food products, with last year’s exports hitting an all-time high of more than $40 billion.
