Government of Canada News Release
Sept. 27, 2012

Harper Government Gets More Access for Canadian Cattle

Ottawa, Ontario - Today Agriculture Minister Gerry Ritz and Minister of International Trade and Minister for the Asia-Pacific Gateway Ed Fast announced that Canadian breeding cattle now have market access to Libya. This newly re-opened market is estimated by industry to be worth up to $3 million.

"Market by market, the Harper Government is making sure Canadian producers can continue to make their money from the marketplace," said Minister Ritz. "By creating trade opportunities in countries where there are demands for our world-class breeding cattle we are helping cattle producers increase their bottom line, create more jobs and economic growth for Canada."

"Canada welcomes this decision by Libya," said Minister Fast. "Creating more opportunities and prosperity for hard-working Canadians by opening new markets and increasing exports is the focus of our government's job-creating, pro-trade plan. Strengthening the economic ties between Canada and Libya to the benefit of people in both countries is proof of the win-win benefits of trade."

"We thank the Government of Canada for the very rapid establishment of favorable animal health conditions for the export of cattle to Libya," said Rick McRonald, Executive Director of the Canadian Livestock Genetics Association. "This will allow our members to respond quickly to new opportunities and provides yet another market for Canadian producers."

This is the first time that Canadian breeding cattle have had access to this market since the BSE outbreak in 2003.

Canadian exports of agriculture and food products to Libya in 2010 were worth more than $31 million.

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