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Four Year Anniversary of the May 1st, 2020, OIC Firearms Ban

Four years ago, Justin Trudeau twisted a nation’s grief over the Nova Scotia mass murders into the largest firearms confiscation scheme in Canadian history.

The Nova Scotia killer used smuggled and stolen guns, and illegally obtained ammunition, gasoline and matches to murder 22 innocent people – facts ignored by Prime Minister Trudeau in his opportunistic zeal to confiscate legally-owned firearms from honest Canadians.

May 1st is now a day of infamy for Canada’s 2.3 million licensed firearms owners. 

It’s our annual reminder that obeying every gun law, following every gun regulation, and being a good citizen is not enough to protect us from a government intent on destroying our heritage and our centuries-old culture of safety.

May 1st is a reminder that we must all do our part to ensure the next Prime Minister of Canada will respect the heritage, culture and Charter rights of all Canadians.

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