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BC Election Delivers Good News Despite Its Lack of a Decision

BC is the first of three provinces that went to the polls this month, yet the result of that election remains unknown. 

This was a “change” election that saw the BC Conservatives, a party that hadn’t elected a single member to the BC Legislature in decades, come within inches of forming government. It also saw the former Official Opposition party implode just as the election began.

Despite all the drama, Elections BC’s “Initial Count” shows the BC NDP with 46 seats, the BC Conservatives with 45 seats, and the BC Green Party with 2 seats.[i]

Two ridings will have a mandatory recount and at least one more is likely to go to judicial review and even then, BC might be headed back to the polls early in the new year.

The “good news” for BC gun owners comes in the form of Sheldon Clare, former president of the National Firearms Association and a lifelong advocate for Canadian gun owners, elected to represent the riding of Prince George—North Cariboo.[ii]

CSSA congratulates Mr. Clare on his electoral victory and look forward to working with him to advocate on behalf of BC’s licensed firearms owners.

New Brunswick

Change was the theme in New Brunswick as well, which saw the NB Liberal Party win a majority government. Premier Blaine Higgs lost his seat, along with other key members of his cabinet.[iii]

What this change in government means for New Brunswick gun owners remains to be seen, as 74 of the 75 motions passed at the NB Liberal Party Convention in February, not one resolution focused on crime or its prevention.[iv]

It’s worth noting that NB Liberal Party leader Susan Holt went to great pains to distance herself from both the federal Liberal Party and Liberal prime minister Justin Trudeau.


The prairie province’s 30th general election started on Monday, October 21st. It you live in Saskatchewan, own or use firearms and want to continue to do so, please vote.[v]

The current Saskatchewan government of Premier Scott Moe is staunchly on the side of firearms owners. 

Saskatchewan’s legislative response to Justin Trudeau’s gun bans changed the political landscape and through the leadership of Premier Scott Moe, former Minister of Corrections, Policing and Public Safety Christine Tell, current Minister Paul Merriman, and Firearms Commissioner Robert Freberg set an excellent example for every other province to follow when it comes to maintaining public safety while respecting licensed firearms owners.

To learn where to vote in the Saskatchewan provincial election, please visit

As the BC election shows with crystal clarity, every vote matters, so please VOTE!






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