It should surprise nobody that thieves, when presented with a cache of valuable items, will target the storage container and steal them. Banks, jewelry stores and gun stores are perfect examples.
Yet the Canadian government is blue-skying that licensed gun owners store their firearms in “central storage facilities” to prevent them from being stolen.
This is nonsense to everyone except the logically-challenged among us, such as politicians and gun ban advocates.
We need only look across the pond to Britain and see how their rampage to ban knives is going.
“The bins are providing people with a safe way to dispose of knives, which they shouldn’t be carrying. Every knife posted into a surrender bin is potentially a life saved,” said Assistant Police and Crime Commissioner Ashley Bertie.i
Where have we heard this rhetoric before?
The idea of knife surrender bins was “wildly popular” so police set up these repositories across the nation. They dutifully publicized the locations of these bins so the bad guys would know where to hand in their knives.
Then came the obvious yet unintended consequences of a really bad plan.
Thieves broke into a knife surrender bin and stole its contents.ii
Say it ain’t so? Who would have guessed?
This is the airy-fairy system our Liberal government is speculating to impose for guns.
The Canadian Firearms Safety Course instructs gun owners to keep quiet about gun ownership. Why? To lower the chance of thieves stealing your guns.
“Avoid advertising about the firearms in your home. You may be inviting theft.”
— Section 7-15, Canadian Restricted Firearm Safety Course
By advertising where thousands of guns are stored, the government is inviting them to be stolen – directly contradicting the advice given to gun owners in its mandatory gun safety training program.
What could possibly go wrong?
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