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CSSA Supports Three Legal Challenges of SOR/2020-96

The CSSA examined in detail all of the possible actions and current legal actions available to us to determine which case or cases provide the greatest opportunity to set a favourable decision for our community. Using our considerable experience in firearms legislation and law, we have determined the following three court actions below represent the best chance of timely success for our members and their hard-earned dollars.

  • Public Interest Litigants Judicial Review
    [Read the Notice of Application (PDF)]
  • Cassandra Parker / K.K.S. Tactical Supplies Ltd. Judicial Review
    [Read the Notice of Application (PDF)]
  • John Hipwell’s Judicial Review
    [Read the Notice of Application (PDF)]

Toronto lawyer Arkadi Bouchelev represents a group of ten public interest litigants in their judicial review. The case is supported by the Ontario Landowners Association.

For those who remember the Peter Sedge case, Mr. Bouchelev is the attorney who successfully defended Mr. Sedge and negotiated a settlement between Mr. Sedge and the Toronto Police Service for their gross misconduct. Mr. Bouchelev has welcomed the CSSA’s considerable expertise and assistance.

Ottawa criminal defence lawyer Solomon Friedman represents Ms. Parker and K.K.S. Tactical in her action.

Toronto criminal defence lawyer Ed Burlew represents John Hipwell in his action.

All three attorneys are well-known, talented and experienced in firearms law. In our opinion, these three judicial reviews provide our community with the best opportunity to strike down the May 1, 2020, Order in Council SOR/2020-96.

Please use the donation links below if you would like to financially support these cases as well.

Donate to the Public Interest Litigants Judicial Review

Donate to the Cassandra Parker / K.K.S. Tactical Supplies Ltd. Judicial Review

Donate to the John Hipwell Judicial Review

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1143 Wentworth St W #204, Oshawa, ON L1J 8P7
Toll-Free: 1-888-873-4339
Phone: 905-720-3142


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