It’s comical watching “gun control” advocates yell at Bill Blair, Canada’s Minister of Crime Reduction, for refusing to ban guns prior to the 2019 federal election. It’s almost as if they actually believe banning guns from RCMP-vetted, federally-licensed gun owners will stop the drug trade and gang violence in downtown Toronto.
Those willing to sell illegal drugs are quite willing to use guns smuggled from “the largest handgun arsenal in the world” to defend their turf. The recent wave of violence in Toronto merely proves this.
Minister Blair knows legal gun owners aren’t the problem. He also knows banning guns from legal gun owners won’t impact street violence because their guns aren’t the threat to public safety.
(Was it just us, or did everyone notice Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders saying 80% of the crime guns in Toronto were smuggled into Canada? The exact numbers uncovered by stalwart firearms researcher Dennis Young and published in these pages many months ago.)
Violent criminals, like the aforementioned drug dealers and gangs, are the real public safety threat. Drug dealers and gangs are already banned from owning guns. Another law won’t change that, nor will it remove the guns from their hands.
Only solid, old-fashioned police work can do that. With the surprise announcement that the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police does not support a handgun ban, it appears our top cops know that too.
Piling more laws on the people who aren’t the problem will never stop those who are.
Sadly, the gun owners’ reality is that none of it matters.
Liberal threats of gun bans have nothing to do with public safety. They have everything to do with crass election fundraising and cheap votes.
Left-wing politicians are willing to use the public’s fear of violent criminals as the pretence for “doing something” that can never solve the problem. But no surprise – the “something” they’re willing to do has no connection to the problem they claim they want to solve. The left seems powerless to control the crime wave they helped to create.
The scary part of gun bans isn’t the threat of a ban, it’s the weaponization of gun ownership for political gain.
Threats of gun bans serve the Liberal Party. They are a proven, time-tested fundraising goldmine for the party and a vote-winner on Election Day.
A statement from Minister Blair’s office: “We have been clear. In order to ensure the protection of our communities there is no option that we will not consider, though if we are to take additional measures we will need a mandate to do so.”
Winning the election is the most important thing for Bill Blair and the Liberal Party.
This should be an equally clear message to gun owners, no matter what electoral district they live in.
Our only mission in Election 2019 is to defeat Liberal incumbents and candidates wherever they are found.
Advance Polls open on October 10th and remain open until October 13th.
The last opportunity for gun owners to vote is October 21st. (The last day for Liberal Party supporters is October 22nd).
This election is too important to leave until the last minute. Vote early. Then, on Election Day, help your friends and family get to their polling stations.
COLFO Offers Support to CSSA After Virtue-Signalling Gun Bans Announced