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Hope for New Zealand Gun Owners has a Name: Nicole McKee

On March 29, 2019, New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced a country-wide “ban on all military style semi-automatics (MSSA) and assault rifles in New Zealand.”[i]

Five years later, Ardern is a footnote in history and a new government focused on protecting rights (instead of trampling them in the name of “safety”) is reversing the damage she inflicted upon her nation.

On June 1, 2024, the Honourable Nicole McKee, Associate Minister of Justice, announced a wholesale review of the country’s firearms registry.

“It is important that we take stock of the available data and information so that we can establish whether the Registry is effectively and efficiently improving public safety,” McKee said.

“There is concern that the Registry is not tackling criminal firearms use. At the same time, I hear from licensed firearm owners that the process of registering their firearms is difficult and demanding, and there are very real concerns expressed regarding the privacy of information.”

“That means everything needs to be on the table; the good, the bad and the ugly so that pure and good conversations can be had to make sure we do get that enduring legislation.”[ii]

Not Your Normal Politician

Nicole McKee, New Zealand’s Minister for Courts and the Associate Minister of Justice (Firearms), is adamant that the rights of firearms owners must be protected.  

McKee is not “another blowhard politician” saying what we want to hear. 

Before entering politics, Nicole McKee was the coordinator of the nation’s volunteer firearms safety instructors for the Mountain Safety Council and the spokesperson for the Council of Licenced Firearms Owners (COLFO).[iii]

McKee led the “Fair and Reasonable Campaign” which she launched on July 10, 2019. The campaign’s goal is just what it says in its title: fair and reasonable firearms laws require input from those affected by those laws.

“When new firearms legislation was drafted earlier this year, it excluded consultation with firearms organisations and lawful holders of firearms licences.”[iv]

“Responsible firearms users want to be a part of the solution and give their practical advice to officials but to date have been denied access to officials and a fair hearing.”

“Our members have created this group to fight for proportionate, fair and reasonable firearms law. We will take our concerns to the Courts if that is necessary for our members to be heard.”

If New Zealand Can Pull Back From the Abyss, So Can Canada

In Canada’s hyper-partisan political environment, where the NDP-Liberal Coalition routinely expresses its hatred for our community, Nicole McKee offers us hope.

Five years ago, it appeared that lawful firearms ownership was all but extinct in New Zealand. 

Two elections later, it’s a completely different political environment and Nicole McKee, a former firearms advocate, is in charge of the firearms file.

Anything can happen, so long as we continue to hold fast to our principles, our culture, our heritage, and look to beacons of hope like Nicole McKee.

The same political lightning can strike Ottawa, so long as we do our part and diligently prepare for the next federal election.

Get involved. 

Stay involved.


Those three simple steps can lead to success here in Canada, just as they did in New Zealand.





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