On June 19, 2021, two young men got into an argument at a 1-year-old’s birthday party and attempted to kill each other with illegal handguns. Instead of hurting each other, they wounded three children including a 5-year-old who is still in critical condition.
Justin Trudeau’s solution: Enhanced background checks on licensed firearm owners.
“Today Minister Blair will announce additional common-sense measures that will help fight gun violence in Canada. As of July 7th, when someone applies for a firearms license, the background check will cover their whole life instead of just the past five years,” Trudeau said.[i]
The implication was clear if you were paying attention. Licensed Canadian firearm owners – the only people subject to these lifetime background checks – were responsible for the birthday party carnage.
That’s just another Liberal Lie.
Demar Cadogan and Kevin George, two of the shooters at that birthday party, were already prohibited from possessing firearms.
Firearm Prohibition Orders didn’t prevent these two criminals from obtaining the illegal handguns they used to shoot three children.
These inconvenient facts are lost on Trudeau’s Liberal government, who insist Enhanced Background Checks for all firearm license applicants will miraculously prevent all future birthday party shootouts.
If only a reporter at Trudeau’s press conference had the backbone to ask the only relevant question.
“Prime Minster, how will enhanced background checks on licensed Canadian firearm owners stop violent criminals who are already prohibited from possessing firearms from obtaining illegal handguns and shooting up another birthday party?”
Later that day, Public Safety Minister Bill Blair also assured Canadians Enhanced Background Checks would prevent ‘gun violence’ like the June 19th birthday party shooting.
“I want to be very clear that the vast majority of gun owners in Canada are responsible and law-abiding citizens. They purchase their guns legally. They store them securely. They use them responsibly and they dispose of them appropriately. And they’re certainly not to blame for this violence,” Minister Blair assured Canadians.
“We know the Canadian hunters and farmers and sports shooters are among the most safety conscious firearm owners in the world. But rates of gun violence remain unacceptably high and more must be done to protect Canadians. That’s why strengthening gun control has been my number one priority as the minister of public safety and it is a top priority for the government of Canada.”
Not one word about criminals with court-ordered Firearm Prohibition Orders or the need to ensure individuals with Firearm Prohibition Orders actually comply with those orders.
While Canada’s RCMP-vetted, federally-licensed firearm owners are “certainly not to blame for this violence”, Bill Blair and Justin Trudeau will enact ‘stricter gun control measures’ while they steadfastly refuse to stop violent criminals like the two who shot up a child’s birthday party.
Like Justin Trudeau earlier in the day, Bill Blair went on to imply licensed gun owners were to blame for the acts of violent criminals like Demar Cadogan and Kevin George.
“The expansion of mandatory background checks will include criteria that must be considered in deciding whether or not to grant a firearms license. That includes whether an applicant has a history of harassment, whether they were ever subject to a restraining order, and whether they pose a risk of harm to any person.”
If only there was a reporter with the backbone to ask Minister Blair one simple question.
“Minister Blair, how will enhanced background checks on licensed Canadian firearm owners stop violent criminals who are already prohibited from possessing firearms from obtaining illegal handguns and shooting up another birthday party?”
The RCMP, Corrections Canada and Statistics Canada provide some very inconvenient facts for both Minister Blair and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.
“As of December 31, 2019, there were 474,413 individuals prohibited from possessing firearms,” states the RCMP’s 2019 Commissioner of Firearms Report.
In 2019, Statistics Canada reports 1,604 individuals were charged for violating their Firearm Prohibition Orders.[ii]
Correctional Service Canada states roughly 38% of all offenders will reoffend within five years.[iii]
Simple math suggests 180,276 individuals with Firearm Prohibition Orders will reoffend. Police only caught 1,604 of them in 2019.
What about the other 178,672 individuals who, statistically, will reoffend?
Why isn’t Justin Trudeau’s government concerned about tracking them to ensure compliance with their Firearm Prohibition Orders?
The biggest question of all is, of course, why does anyone believe background checks on licensed firearm owners will stop criminals with illegal guns from shooting up another child’s birthday party?
[i] https://cpac.ca/episode?id=21a225d0-f739-452b-9761-14a19de86cfc
[ii] https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/t1/tbl1/en/cv.action?pid=3510017701
[iii] https://www.csc-scc.gc.ca/research/005008-r426-en.shtml
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