If Justin Trudeau supports Toronto and Montreal City Councils’ calls for a national gun ban, his carefully chosen and purposefully vague words don’t show it.
“We are looking at a broad range of things. We’re going to make the right decision for the long term, not just the short term.”[i]
“We’re listening to people and talking to experts about what we can do to keep our communities safe.”[ii]
One of those experts, RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki, poured water on the notion of a national gun ban during her August 17 interview on CBC’s The House:[iii]
“I’m not sure if a complete ban is the answer, or tweaking the legislation to ensure more accountability. That’s definitely something we need to study.”
Two days earlier, another expert, Vancouver Police Chief Adam Palmer, the newly elected president of the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police (CACP), said Canada’s gun control system is “actually very good.”[iv] The issue is not law-abiding gun owners, but criminals who obtain their weapons illegally and the CACP wants to study the issue.
He made it clear the CACP is not calling for major legislative changes (i.e. a national handgun ban). Nor is it asking for tighter restrictions on rifles and shotguns.
The massive shift in position from both organizations shocked gun owners across the nation. The RCMP’s history of interpreting regulations to suit themselves has not endeared them to gun owners. The CACP, until this week, could not even be considered respectful of Canada’s licensed firearm owners.
Its newfound attitude is also supported by Retired Toronto Police Services Staff-Insp. Mike Earl and Ontario’s new premier:
“A handgun ban is ridiculous and doesn’t address the actual problem of criminals shooting up the city. If those people aren’t obeying the laws that are already in place, why would they obey a ban?”[v]
“We have to refocus all our resources on going after the bad guys –– not the good guys but the bad guys,”[vi] said Ontario Premier Doug Ford.
In 2014, John Tory, then running to be Toronto’s mayor, understood the problem and lambasted his political rival when she called for a handgun ban in Toronto:
“Handguns are already strictly regulated by the federal government. What Ms. Chow doesn’t seem to understand is that criminals and gang members don’t obey the law. Calling for such a ban isn’t leadership. It’s an empty gesture.” [vii]
Four short years later, it’s not drug dealers, gangs or murderers Toronto Mayor John Tory wants out of his city, it’s the GTA’s 100,000 licensed firearm owners. [viii]
John Tory obviously needs a reminder and how better than to use his own words:
“Calling for such a ban isn’t leadership. It’s an empty gesture.”
If Justin Trudeau is listening to the experts at the RCMP and the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police, and his carefully worded public comments imply he is, then Mayor Tory has a hearty serving of disappointment in his future.
[i] https://twitter.com/CPAC_TV/status/1023977174934515713
[ii] https://twitter.com/CTVNews/status/1029019533770543106
[iii] http://www.cbc.ca/player/play/1301354051810/
[v] https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/retiring-staff-inspector-mike-earl-toronto-1.4190307
[viii] http://www.iheartradio.ca/newstalk-1010/shows/moore-in-the-morning-1.1813037
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