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Natural Resources Canada Patrick O’Neill on Reactive Targets and Shooters Behaving Poorly (Length: 5:37)

Natural Resources Canada Director General Patrick O’Neill from the Explosives Safety and Security Branch issued a stern warning to everyone using binary kits or reactive targets such as the Tannerite brand and similar products.

“I can’t regulate stupidity, so I really, really want people to listen. And if you’re in retail, I really want you to encourage your consumers to use it in the prescribed, lawful manner because we have removed products from the marketplace. Sometimes the stuff that comes to our attention is too hard to debate and remember, I said I was fact-based and when you’re presented with enough facts sometimes you have to react, so… I’m welcoming the opportunity Tony’s provided because I have to give a clear message. If people keep continuing to misuse the product it will be removed from the authorized list.”

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