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Special Report: Liberal Election Gun Ban Announcement

The Liberal Party’s proven vote-winner – Gun Ban Announcements – are as predictable as Justin Trudeau crying on cue or using human tragedy as political props, as Associate Minister of Public Safety Rachel Bendayan did today.[i]

In yesterday’s CSSA Commentary we said a federal election will likely be called next week, noting that, “the Liberal Party election campaign jet is painted and ready to lift off.[ii]

Today’s gun ban announcement is more proof that the federal election call is imminent.

Another 179 makes and models of firearms are added to the “ban list” including .22 rifles almost as common as gophers in a Saskatchewan farmer’s field. These are not “assault-style weapons” as Rachel Bendayan would have you believe. 

Liberals Can’t Win a “Carbon Tax” Election

The Liberals want to fight the federal election on anything other than the carbon tax. They know they’ll lose if that’s the campaign’s primary issue.

So today, ahead of next week’s anticipated election call, is the Liberal Party’s attempt to set the frame for both the election campaign and Conservative Party leader Pierre Poilievre.

“Poilievre Bad” because he wants legislation based on facts, based on reality, not Liberal lies focused on winning votes in urban ridings.

Gun bans are a proven vote winner for the Liberal Party. Urban Canadians seemingly don’t listen beyond the headline “More Guns Banned” to the details, and the details matter.

The details are simple.

Not one measure of today’s gun ban announcement or any other Liberal gun ban announced since 2015 deal with criminals using illegal guns

Today’s announcement is not about the members of various “gun control” groups paraded on stage like human props. 

Today’s announcement is the first shot at attempting to set the frame for the federal election that will almost certainly be called next week.

Bogus Statistics?

If Associate Minister Bendayan is so certain of her position, why did she rely so heavily on American statistics during this press conference?

Where are the Canadian statistics to support her premise that banning firearms from licensed owners will stop violent criminals with illegal guns smuggled into Canada from the United States?

She doesn’t have any, because those statistics don’t exist.

The only statistics she presented deal with criminal use of illegal guns, but Associate Minister Bendayan hopes you won’t catch her bait-and-switch.

None of the gun bans announced by this Liberal government affect criminals or smuggled, illegal guns.

But Associate Minister Bendayan is happy to conflate the two and hope you’re not paying attention.

Our challenge is to speak to our fellow Canadians and help them understand that today’s announcement is not about banning guns. It’s about getting votes.

Your Next Step?

Your next step today is the same as it was yesterday.

If you are not already a volunteer for your Electoral District Association (EDA) for the party of your choice, then now is the time to contact them and sign up.

We encourage you to support the only party that can form government that is not actively opposed to our traditions of hunting, sport shooting and fishing: The Conservative Party of Canada.

As we’ve stated before, while other parties may have excellent platforms, you must ask yourself one hard question before supporting them.

Can they win your riding?

If the answer is no, then please consider supporting the Conservative Party because they are the only party that can defeat the Liberal Party machine, and that machine is already gearing up for an election to be called as early as March 10th.

You’ve seen how destructive and divisive 10 years of Liberal Party rule under Justin Trudeau is to Canada.

That destruction and decisiveness must stop.

Vote for your guns.

Vote for your hunting heritage.

Vote for your longstanding culture of firearms safety.

Most of all, vote for your future and the future of your children and grandchildren.



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