May 2, 2020
Trudeau Liberals declare war on Canada’s
law-abiding gun community
Oshawa, ON – On Friday, May 1, 2020, the Liberal government of Justin Trudeau launched an unwarranted attack against our community. With the stroke of a pen, 1500 guns were instantly banned.
No reasons were given other than Trudeau’s usual warm and fuzzy platitudes and virtue signalling on a subject he knows absolutely nothing about. While this is hardly a new role for him, the evil minions that do his bidding even went so far as to disable the Firearms Reference Tables for an entire day to prevent the transfer of firearms.
It was an unwarranted declaration of war against Canada’s firearms community.
Yesterday was a whirlwind of government briefings, media interviews, consultations with our General Counsel, political analysis and dealing with hundreds of phone calls, emails and inquiries.
The government said there is a two-year amnesty and, during that time, they will decide on a plan forward. That plan may include confiscations, buying your guns with your own money and possible grandfathering. But so far, there is nothing but their promise to seek solutions – for them.
We urge you not to over-react. Stay cool. Stay strong.
The Trudeau government made some foolish mistakes implementing these Orders in Council. We will use these errors against them in the coming months, but do not become complacent. The Liberal government of Justin Trudeau hates us, and they will continue to demonize us and denigrate our character at every turn.
To them, there is no room in this country for you or your culture of safety, freedom and responsibility. Do not forget this in the struggle ahead.
We need you with us in the coming days. Our strength is our members and your support and hard work will be critical to our survival.
Most of all, do not give up hope. The Trudeau Liberals have fired their volley. Now it’s our turn.
The question on the minds of our members is simple. What is the CSSA doing about it?
Today’s announcement, while repulsive and stupid, is not a surprise. The Liberals have talked about it for over two years. The only surprise is they would attempt to jam it down the throats of Canadians in the midst of a global pandemic – and when Parliament is all but shut down.
First, we continue to do interviews with media across the country to explain some really simple facts to Canadians. As those interviews are made available on the web, we will share them with you.
Second, we’re working with our General Counsel, analysing all legal avenues and potential options, both legal and legislative. There are many potential avenues for striking this down in the courts, and we’re examining them all.
Third, we’re working with politicians across the political spectrum to educate them about the many pitfalls contained in today’s announcement. As you can well imagine, the Conservative Party is all over this, and we’re working with them at every level to ensure they know what we know, and vice versa.
Fourth, we are developing more communications vehicles to educate Canadians about why this approach to public policy does not and cannot work.
Fifth, we’re examining every aspect of today’s announcement to identify all the holes in it – and there are many.
Will we stop this gun ban overnight? No, of course not. But if even one of the many avenues we’ve already identified pan out, we are well-positioned to stop this garbage in its tracks.
So stay tuned… there is much to be figured out over the coming days… and all of it will be communicated to you as soon as we are able.
Until then, stay safe and keep your powder dry.
Western Standard: A year of gun control