Freedom – the fundamental right of all human beings to be the arbiters of how to live their lives, including making decisions for themselves.
This “age of COVID” is a war, a psychological war and, as in all wars, TRUTH is the very first casualty.
But Canada’s firearm owners have been there before, as everyone will remember back in the early 1990s.
In those heady days, tens of thousands of gun owners stood on the front lawn of Canada’s Parliament demanding to know why our rights were not being respected. Why were we – and our friends and families – being demonized and belittled? We wanted to know why the federal government and its toady liberal press said such vile things about us and compared us to latent mass murderers and the suppliers of guns to bad people.
When firearm owners traveled from across the country to Ottawa for the Fed UP I and Fed Up II rallies, the government of the day even put snipers on the rooftops of Parliament to quell the “insurrection.”
There was no insurrection, of course.
Instead, there were 21,000 Canadians of all genders, races, and religions standing together, fed up with government overreach. They protested as it is their right and their duty, against unjust laws imposed by an unjust government.
Fast-forward a generation. Thousands of truckers have converged on Ottawa with the largest truck convoy in history to protest another unjust government imposing grossly tyrannical measures on Canadians.
Like the gun owners of a generation ago, these truckers are being vilified by government officials. Trudeau’s hate-filled rhetoric is spewing forth from the fire hose that is mainstream media, all while dutifully pointing their cameras away from the protesters to hide the truth.
What is baffling is that normally rational members of Parliament dutifully parrot Trudeau’s nonsense. They refuse to question in any way, shape or form, the “official narrative” put forward by Trudeau and his morality-free government.
As gun owners, we’ve seen this all before. We’ve lived this all before. It’s a playbook with which we’re painfully familiar.
For our freedom-loving trucker friends, I suspect being vilified on this grand scale by their own Prime Minister is… unsettling.
It was unsettling for us gun owners too. A bitter lesson about a government that no longer wished to peacefully govern, but to rule. In many ways, they are us.
When a government has no integrity, no moral compass, and nothing but lies as the foundation for every public policy, demonizing political opponents is always the very first line of attack.
Budget 2024 and Trudeau’s Firearms Confiscation Compensation Scheme