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Will BC’s “Blue Wave” Wipe Liberals Off the Political Map?

The latest Angus Reid poll says Justin Trudeau’s Liberal Party will be annihilated in the next Federal election.[i]

“The Liberals are still operating with a large support deficit which has lasted more than a year.”

“Since the party elected Pierre Poilievre as leader, the CPC have made gains across nearly all demographics and regions at the expense of the Liberals.”

“Among decided voters, more than two-in-five (43%) say they would vote Conservative if the election were today, while similar sized groups of one-in-five say they would support the Liberals (21%) and the NDP (19%).”

The last time the Liberal Party was this unpopular, they were decimated in the1984 federal election. The only seat they held was Vancouver Quadra, currently held by Liberal MP Joyce Murray.[ii]

Even that “safe” Liberal riding is at play today, given these poll numbers.

Upcoming BC Provincial Election 

The federal Liberal implosion in BC has severe ramifications for the BC’s governing New Democrat Party. 

Their disastrous fiscal policies are on track to take British Columbians from the second-lowest debt per person to the highest, according to The Fraser Institute report “British Columbia’s Descent into Debt.[iii]

In less than a decade under the current NDP government, British Columbia went from one of the country’s best fiscal records to one of the nation’s worst.

“In 2016/17, British Columbia had the second-lowest level of net debt per person in the country at just $8,109. The government’s current fiscal trajectory is forecasted to see debt-per-person reach $36,909 in 2029/30.”

The BC NPD began running massive deficits long before COVID, and they continue to run massive deficits long after COVID ended.

BC Premier David Eby says that despite the massive deficits, balancing the province’s budget is not on his agenda.[iv]

If you live in British Columbia, make sure you vote on October 19th, or preferably earlier in the Advance Polls. 

Do not allow anything to prevent you from electing a rational government in BC this fall. 

Complacency: The Danger of “Impending Electoral Landslides”

The same is true for the upcoming federal election, even though we don’t know exactly when that election will take place.

Do not allow anything to prevent you from casting your ballot in the next federal election. 

Whether you live in BC, where the Angus Reid poll suggests Justin Trudeau’s Liberals will be wiped off the map, or anywhere else in Canada, you must vote.

That is the only way to ensure that the electoral landslide all the polls insist coming will actually take place.

Election Day is the only poll that matters.

Voter intention measured by polling companies is just that, an intention.

Intentions are utterly meaningless unless they’re followed by immediate and effective action – in this case, casting your ballot on election day.

Better yet, get involved with the political party of your choice and help them to the boring grunt work of an election – passing out flyers, knocking on doors to identify supportive voters, and helping those voters cast their ballot when the time comes.

While the BC provincial election is, according to pollsters, a heated two-horse race, the federal election is apparently a foregone conclusion. 

The only question is how badly the Liberals and NDP will be decimated when Trudeau finally calls that election.

That “foregone conclusion” invites a dangerous complacency in the minds of voters.

“The Conservatives are going to wipe out the Liberals, so I don’t need to vote.”

Yes, you do. And you must encourage your family and friends to get out and vote as well, no matter what the pollsters claim.

Apathy is the constant and relentless enemy of freedom and those who value it.

The only way to overcome complacency and apathy is with action.

The bare minimum action is to cast your ballot. If you can do more, then please, we urge you to do more.

We’re living with the disastrous consequences of Justin Trudeau’s failed policies, both as gun owners and as Canadian citizens.

The good thing is that we can do something about it, both in British Columbia on October 19th, and in the next federal election, whenever it’s called.

Your vote matters.

In fact, it’s the only vote that matters.





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