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Federal Election Is Imminent: Are You Prepared?

The assumption from legacy media pundits and Liberal Party insiders is that Mark Carney will be coronated party leader on March 9th.

Carney’s coronation may not be as automatic Trudeau and Carney want because of their shenanigans attempting to rig the contest in Carney’s favor.

When the party removed Ruby Dalla from the ballot, citing “extremely serious” violations, her supporters did not flock to Carney’s campaign. They joined Chrystia Freeland, giving her campaign a significant and much-needed boost. 

Now, if the Liberal leadership contest turned on political endorsements from other MPs and Senators, then yes, Mark Carney would be the runaway winner. But leadership campaigns aren’t decided by endorsements. They’re decided by Liberal party members.

Should Conservatives Be Concerned?

If polls are to be believed, the Liberals without Trudeau are significantly better positioned to take on Pierre Poilievre and the Conservative Party of Canada in the next federal election.

  • Angus Reid shows the Conservatives at 40% and the Liberals at 37%.[i]
  • CBC’s Poll Tracker gleefully reports that the Conservatives have fallen below the 171-seat threshold for a majority government due to a “Liberal surge.”[ii]
  • Mainstreet Research also projects the Conservatives will win 171 seats if the election were held today, with the Liberals projected to win 108 sets, well down from CBC’s projected 125 seats.[iii]

Can Poilievre Brand This as the Carbon Tax Election?

Pierre Poilievre has stated the next federal election will be run on Trudeau/Carney/Freelend’s hated carbon tax, even though the latter two both say they will scrap it. 

“Mr. Carney is promising to scrap carbon pricing for consumers and businesses, saying the federal government’s scheme has become too divisive for Canadians. However, he says he would maintain the industrial carbon price to provide a clear signal to large companies that they must lower emissions.”[iv]

Freeland says essentially the same thing, “promising to drop carbon pricing, pledging wide-ranging consultations to develop alternatives. She says she is committed to meeting Canada’s climate targets by reducing pollution from the biggest emitters.”

Carney and Freeland both seem to insist that “large companies” will not pass on their next version of a carbon tax to consumers. That’s absurd, to be polite.

Chrystia Freeland supported the carbon tax the entire time she was in Justin Trudeau’s cabinet.

Mark Carney is staunchly supportive of carbon taxes worldwide.

Under their leadership, Canada’s carbon tax isn’t going anywhere, no matter what bright shiny name they use to rebrand it.

Your Next Step

If you are not already a volunteer for your Electoral District Association (EDA) for the party of your choice, then now is the time to contact them and sign up.

We encourage you to support the only party that can form government that is not actively opposed to our traditions of hunting, sport shooting and fishing: The Conservative Party of Canada.

As we’ve stated before, while other parties may have excellent platforms, you must ask yourself one hard question before supporting them.

Can they win your riding?

If the answer is no, then please consider supporting the Conservative Party because they are the only party that can defeat the Liberal Party machine, and that machine is already gearing up for an election to be called as early as March 10th.

According to our sources the Liberal Party election campaign jet is painted and ready to lift off.

You don’t waste election funds on a campaign jet until you’re ready to fly, because once that jet is painted you pay for it whether it sits on the ground or not.

You’ve seen how destructive and divisive 10 years of Liberal Party rule under Justin Trudeau is to Canada.

That destruction and decisiveness must stop.

Vote for your guns.

Vote for your hunting heritage.

Vote for your longstanding culture of firearms safety.

Most of all, vote for your future and the future of your children and grandchildren.





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