On April 12, 2022, Alberta CFO Teri-Jane Bryant sent Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino a letter urging him to “adjust the direction of the May 1, 2020 Order-in-Council.”
This is what happens when a province appoints a civilian Chief Firearms Officer who understands firearms, firearm owners and effective public safety policy.
“As Alberta’s chief firearms officer,” CFO Bryant wrote, “I am firmly committed to making data-driven decisions focused on public safety.”[i]
“It is alarming that no evidence has been adduced to justify the arbitrary selection of the firearms on the list. Prohibiting specific types of firearms is an approach that has proven ineffective in improving public safety.
“It is time to focus on what does work, the diligent pursuit and prosecution of criminals and those putting firearms into their hands. In Alberta, it is these scofflaws that are driving both rural crime and the alarming violence in our major cities.
“We should be acting to build confidence in our systems, not bringing them into disrepute.”
We encourage all Canadians to read CFO Teri-Jane Bryant’s letter in its entirety.
CFO Bryant’s letter to the federal government comes on the heels of the Alberta Firearms Advisory Committee report delivered to the government in February.
On April 13th, Alberta Justice Minister Tyler Shandro said every recommendation made by the AB FAC was accepted.[ii]
On April 13th, the Government of Saskatchewan announced the establishment of its Firearms Advisory Committee.[iii]
We look forward to working with the Saskatchewan FAC as they work to bring common sense to the application of the Firearms Act in that province as well.
If you support the appointment of civilian CFOs in other provinces, please register your support at the link below, along with any thoughts you wish to share.
[i] https://cssa-cila.org/ABCFOLetter
[ii] https://cssa-cila.org/alberta-government-accepts-recommendations-on-firearms-regulations/
[iii] https://cssa-cila.org/saskatchewan-government-establishes-a-firearms-advisory-committee/
Saskatchewan Firearms Act Proposes to License Fed Gun Grabbers