Why do we need to be briefed on legislative amendments Justin Trudeau’s government already withdrew?
Because withdrawn does not equal dead.
On Thursday afternoon, Public Safety Canada will host “a technical briefing on the Government’s withdrawn amendments (G4 and G46) to Bill C-21, An Act to amend certain Acts and to make certain consequential amendments (firearms) to provide clarity on the amendments and an opportunity to discuss the best way to move forward.”
The words “best way to move forward” should alarm you.
The Trudeau government withdrew these evil amendments, that much is true, but Public Safety’s email suggests this victory of common sense over an ideological agenda will not be a lasting one.
Trudeau’s government will re-introduce these amendments in some form in the near future. That is all but guaranteed.
The only unknowns are when and the nature of the minor changes they will make before attempting to ram this nonsense down our throats again?
What will the Trudeau government’s next assault on our longstanding culture of safety and our heritage look like?
We’ll let you know what we learn as soon as the briefing is over, so stay tuned to CSSA eNEWS on Thursday afternoon.
The full text of Public Safety Canada’s Invitation is below.
In positive news, the Alberta government announced that Minister Tyler Shandro will introduce Bill 8, the Alberta Firearms Act, in the legislature shortly.
Bill 8 will protect Albertans from the federal government confiscations in a similar manner as the Saskatchewan Firearms Act protects citizens of that fair province.[i]
More details on Alberta’s Bill 8 from as they become available.
Sent to the CSSA by Public Safety Canada
Invitation to Public Safety Canada Technical Briefing
Public Safety Canada would like to invite you to participate in a technical briefing on the Government’s withdrawn amendments (G4 and G46) to Bill C-21, An Act to amend certain Acts and to make certain consequential amendments (firearms) to provide clarity on the amendments and an opportunity to discuss the best way to move forward.
As you may be aware, when Bill C-21 was introduced on May 30, 2022, the Government of Canada noted the intention to continue working to ensure a comprehensive ban of assault-style firearms. In November 2022, amendments to Bill C-21 were proposed to accomplish this.
The core intent of the amendments was to prohibit assault-style firearms that are not suitable for civilian use, and not to target firearms that are commonly used for hunting. On February 3, 2023, the Government withdrew these amendments.
Following a short presentation from Public Safety officials on the technical details of the proposed changes, we will engage in a discussion to provide additional clarity on those changes and answer questions from the audience.
- Date: March 9, 2023
- Time: 1 PM to 2 PM (EST)
The briefing will be held on Zoom. Login details and presentation materials will be sent to you the morning of the meeting.
To help ensure you are allowed into the meeting, kindly provide the name of the account you will be using or the phone number you will be calling in from. Participation is limited to invited participants. For that reason, we ask that you do not circulate this invitation to others.
Thank you
Learn More:
[i] https://cssa-cila.org/saskatchewan-firearms-act-proposes-to-license-fed-gun-grabbers/
Australia Renews Commitment to Its Failed Gun Registry