Today Public Safety Canada held a technical briefing on two withdrawn amendments to Bill C-21, known as G4 and G46.
As we noted in Tuesday’s commentary, withdrawn does not equal dead.[i]
Today’s technical briefing confirmed this.[ii]
“We need to know what concerns the public has,” stated one senior Public Safety official, “to be able to provide government with advice if they are to introduce new amendments. What changes, what are the changes that are required?”
Liberal Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino withdrew the G4 and G46 amendments so his ministry could “consult” with whomever they define as “stakeholders” on the firearms issue.
“I want to ensure I clearly understand,” asked one stakeholder. “With whatever new potential proposed amendments are made, there will new, full and complete round of consultation with all stakeholders. Will that include law enforcement again and representative associations again, or is it a specific, narrow, targeted consultation?”
“What I’m saying is there will be consultations,” the senior official said. “How big of a consultation? Is everybody going to be able to provide us direct information like we’re doing right now, I’m not sure.”
“That’s a very complex thing to do,” he stated.
Public Safety is not very interested in consulting with the people and organizations who their “new and improved” gun banning edicts directly affect.
The only clarity we gained from this “technical briefing” is that Minister Mendicino fully intends to rewrite these amendments and reintroduce them.
The end result for RCMP-vetted, federally-licensed gun owners will be the same.
This Liberal government will ban your guns and you will have no say about that.
Not one word of their “new and improved” amendments will stop drug dealers and gangs from smuggling illegal guns into Canada.
Not one word of their “new and improved” amendments will stop those same drug dealers and gangs from using their illegal guns to kill and injure Canadians.
Minister Mendicino just hopes he can do what his boss wants – to confiscate and destroy your guns – without another massive backlash from ordinary, decent citizens like you.
New Public Safety Minister as Misguided as the Last Two