Last week’s flurry of warnings to Ottawa were fantastic news for gun owners in Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba.
All three provinces announced that they had refused to allow Justin Trudeau’s Liberal government to usurp provincial policing resources to confiscate legally-possessed property from their citizens.
But more than that, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba showed the rest of Canada what is possible with a little backbone and an ounce of integrity.
Unfortunately, most provincial premiers still haven’t followed suit to act in defencse of their own citizens and their inherent right to public safety, free from Ottawa’s meddling.
But before we get to how we can build momentum and encourage other provinces to get on board, we must take a small diversion into the land of Lying Marco Mendicino’s recent past.
Marco Mendicino Forges Documents in Federal Court
According to Blacklock’s Reporter, an Access to Information Request dug up a rotting corpse the former Minister of Immigration would prefer remained buried.
Marco Mendicino backdated government documents in an apparent bid to mislead a federal judge in 2020, about the College Of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants Act, which was passed in 2019.
The problem? “College of Immigration and Citizenship Consultants” was already trademarked and used by a private Vancouver company.
Mendicino backdated documents so it would appear the federal government did have ownership of the name. Another name for this act is forgery – or perjury or contempt – not something you would normally expect from a former Crown Prosecutor and sitting government minister.
Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security (SECU)
Kudos to Conservative MPs Raquel Dancho and Dane Lloyd for exposing more of Mendicino’s lies during Tuesday’s SECU meeting.[i]
“The problem certainly is gun smuggling, but you’re investing considerably less money in border enforcement and considerably less money in community protection although you’ve acknowledged that this is the primary source of gun violence in our country.”
“You’re planning to redirect RCMP resources and possibly other police resources to your confiscation regime. Can you comment on that?”
Mendicino spouted the usual Liberal virtue-signalling nonsense before Ms. Dancho cut him off.
“I would urge you to reconsider redirecting police resources to your gun confiscation scheme. I think it is reckless and will further endanger our communities.”
Then Conservative MP Dane Lloyd landed a direct hit during his allotted time.
“Have you or your department commissioned any studies that demonstrate that this buyback plan is an effective use of taxpayer dollars to enhance public safety?”
The minister was shockingly unresponsive to MP Lloyd’s question.
And now, back to our regularly scheduled commentary!
Simple Steps to Build Momentum on This Auspicious Beginning
If you live in Alberta, Saskatchewan or Manitoba, write your premier and ministers responsible to thank them for standing up for you against a federal government that cares only about its own vacuous virtue-signalling.
In all other provinces, please consider using these points when you write to your premier:
- The May 1, 2020 gun ban by Order in Council did nothing to make Canadians safer
- Confiscating firearms from licensed owners has no rational connection to any public safety goals, nor will it prevent a single criminal from obtaining an illegal smuggled gun
- There is no evidence or public safety principle to support these actions
- Their proposed confiscations are a disturbing use of billions of tax dollars for zero gain in public safety
- Ottawa had no plan when they announced their virtue-signalling gun ban and they have no plan today to confiscate the private property of Ontarians.
- Do not permit Justin Trudeau’s federal government to offload their misguided polices onto the backs of provincial taxpayers
- Do not permit Ottawa to force your provincial taxpayers to pay for its failures
- Join Alberta Justice Minister Tyler Shandro, Saskatchewan Minister of Public Safety Christine Tell and Manitoba Justice Minister Kelvin Goertzen and oppose Ottawa’s overreach and, in so doing, support and defend all firearm owners in your province
In British Columbia, write Premier John Horgan ( and encourage him to join Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba’s lead and refuse to use provincial policing resources for Justin Trudeau’s gun confiscations.
In Quebec, write Premier François Legault ( and encourage him to join Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba’s lead and refuse to allow Sûreté du Québec resources to be diverted from criminal investigations to another Ottawa gun grab.
In Nova Scotia, write Premier Tim Houston ( and remind him that provincial policing resources are paid for with your tax dollars and should not be diverted away from the very real job of protecting public safety to Justin Trudeau’s vanity project, his virtue-signalling gun ban that will not stop a single violent criminal from committing evil.
In New Brunswick, write Premier Blaine Higgs ( and encourage him to join Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba’s lead and refuse to use provincial policing resources for Justin Trudeau’s gun confiscations.
In Prince Edward Island, write Premier Dennis King ( and ask him to stand up to Ottawa’s latest edict. Remind him provincial resources should never be stripped away from public safety to satisfy the whims of an out-of-touch Prime Minister.
In Newfoundland and Labrador, write Premier Andrew Furey ( and encourage him to join Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba’s lead and refuse to allow provincial policing resources to be stripped from active crime fighting investigations and redirected to confiscating guns from licensed gun owners because Justin Trudeau lost his progressive crown to gun-banning Jacinda Ardern in 2019.
Lastly, in Ontario, it’s time for Doug Ford to act.
We urge Ontario residents to contact the Hon. Doug Ford, Premier of Ontario, and politely encourage him to refuse to assist Ottawa’s gun confiscation efforts.
Ontario Provincial Police members are paid with Ontario tax dollars to serve Ontarians, not be Ottawa’s lackeys.
Premier Doug Ford
Legislative Building
Queen’s Park
Toronto ON M7A 1A1
Tel: 416-325-1941
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“Minority Report” Premise to Become Law in Canada