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Christina Howorun: An Investigative Reporter Digs into the Source of Toronto’s Illegal Guns

Watch the documentary VeraCity: The Gun Chase

It’s easy to believe that investigative reporters – those who set aside their personal beliefs and follow the evidence to reach a conclusion – are extinct in Canada. We’re happy to report one of this rare species is alive and well and reporting honestly about firearms.

Christina Howorun, an award-winning reporter currently working for CityTV, wanted to learn about firearms, firearm owners, and the source of all those illegal guns criminals keep using to shoot up Toronto’s inner city.

Instead of blindly accepting the drool falling out of Public Safety Minister Bill Blair’s mouth, Ms. Howorun did the unthinkable for most reporters.

She took the Canadian Firearms Safety Course to learn, first hand, what it takes to become a licensed firearm owner. She discovered the truth is light-years away from what we hear every day from government and most mainstream media outlets.

She dug deeper, interviewing everyone from former gang leaders to government officials to figure out how illegal guns make it to the streets of Toronto.

Watch the Documentary

We urge you to watch Christina Howorun’s brilliant documentary on CityTV’s website right now, and share it with all your friends. This film strips away the rhetoric and partisan sound-bites and shows us where the overwhelming majority of illegal guns come from: America.

When you’re finished watching the documentary, you can read all of her articles that dives deep into a whole variety of the issues.





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