Election 2019 could determine if Canadians will legally own guns or not.
Does that scare you?
It should.
The Liberal government is already on record saying they will ban semi-automatic rifles, regardless of classification, from hundreds of thousands of licensed Canadian firearm owners.
But of course, that’s just their starting point. Advocacy groups who want to ban handguns and semi-automatic rifles and shotguns are emboldened by big city mayors who, while claiming they want to stop gang violence, focus all their measures on RCMP-vetted firearm owners.
It won’t stop violent criminals or gangs, but it gives politicians the thing they crave most: sound bites that make them sound like they’re doing something, even when they’re not.
With the 2019 federal election looming. the CSSA is putting its members money where our mouth is. We commissioned a series of videos in English and Mandarin with a simple message: if you own or use guns, you must vote in Election 2019.
These commercials are already running on City TV and the Wild TV networks, where the response from viewers is already very good.
We’ve also booked hundreds of time slots to run them.
But we can’t carry the load alone.
We need you to reach out to everyone in your circle of influence and make sure they all vote in Election 2019. This includes your family, your friends, your neighbours and your co-workers.
The future of our community, our culture of safety, and our ability to own and use firearms may very well depend upon it.
All of these videos are now live on YouTube. We ask you to share them with everyone on your social media accounts and email them to all your friends.
This is the single, most important message for gun owners across this great nation: VOTE in Election 2019.
View all of the CSSA commercials here:
Then go and Vote today.
Yes, today. You don’t need to wait until October 21st.
You can vote TODAY at any Elections Canada office. All you need to know is the name of your candidate and you can vote using a “Special Ballot.”
You can also vote in the advance polls, which take place over the Thanksgiving long weekend.
Voting in Election 2019 is far too important to leave to the last minute. Avoid the long lineups on Election Day and vote early, either by Special Ballot at any Elections Canada office or at the Advance Polls on Thanksgiving weekend.
We have a lot more work to do in the coming days.
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