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If Re-elected, Will Trudeau Cripple Hunting and the Target Sports in Canada?

The short answer is, yes, he probably will.


Because our feminist-in-chief hates being out-virtue-signalled by anyone, especially a woman.

One look at New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Arden’s list of banned firearmsi should terrify you.

No, not because of all the AR-15 variants listed, but because of all the lever, pump and bolt action firearms on that list.

In order to shore up his failing image, Trudeau will have to go further than Arden, and that means ending all shooting sports in Canada except, possibly, handgun competitions.

Does that get your attention?

Newly Banned Firearms in New Zealand:

All .22 calibre rifles capable of holding 11 or more rounds (10+1) are banned.

Goodbye to your Ruger 10/22, the Remington Model 597, the Savage 64 FXP, the Marlin Model 60SN, and most of your Cooey .22 bolt action rifles.


Also included on the New Zealand list are pump-action shotguns, semi-automatic shotguns, both with and without detachable magazines. Yes, their list includes your expensive Browning and Beretta shotguns.

Your Remington 870 and 1100, Mossberg 500, Beretta A-400 and 391 Ureka, Browning Maxus and BPS, Stoeger 2000 and Benelli .


To be blunt, if Canada, under a re-elected Justin Trudeau government, follows New Zealand’s lead and goes a step further, hunting, trap & skeet shooting, and all target shooting sports except handguns (maybe) will be on death’s door.

The only rifles and shotguns we’ll be left with are single-shots, over -unders and side-by sides.

Kiss the action shooting sports goodbye, as well as hunting with anything beyond a single-shot bolt action rifle or a side-by-side shotgun.

Everything else will be banned.

Some hunters and target shooters will say this is just the CSSA screaming “the sky is falling” – that the Canadian government would never end hunting and legitimate shooting sports.

Look at the New Zealand list (HERE) – then tell us the Canadian government would never end hunting and target shooting sports in this country.

And remember, before you say it out loud… New Zealand gun owners said the same thing.

They were wrong. Let’s not repeat their mistake.

Only 9 Days Left to Save Our Community, Our Culture and Our Guns

We are days away from the most important election in our lifetime.


Because Justin Trudeau and his Liberal Party will ban and confiscate your guns.
Because we can’t afford another four years of Liberal blunders, mismanagement and scandals.

Because the very essence of Canada will cease to exist if Justin Trudeau is re-elected.

Advance Polls

The Advance Polls have opened and will remain open until from 9am to 9pm.
Please take advantage of this opportunity and vote.

Your Voter Information Card contains the location of the advance poll station for you and your family. Take this card with you when you vote.

Take your family and friends with you and make sure they vote too.

It’s the best way to avoid long lineups on Election Day and, by voting early, you guarantee nothing stops you from casting your ballot.

It’s also the best way to defend our firearms community, our culture of safety and our guns.

If you only do one thing this Thanksgiving long weekend, do this:


See another ignorant Liberal Candidate vow to ban all guns:

Then go and Vote today.

Yes, today. You don’t need to wait until October 21st.

You can vote TODAY at any Elections Canada office. All you need to know is the name of your candidate and you can vote using a “Special Ballot.”

You can also vote in the advance polls, which take place over the Thanksgiving long weekend.

Voting in Election 2019 is far too important to leave to the last minute. Avoid the long lineups on Election Day and vote early, either by Special Ballot at any Elections Canada office or at the Advance Polls on Thanksgiving weekend.

We have a lot more work to do in the coming days.

Will you help us?


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Renew your membership and sustain your passion for shooting sports.

To Preserve, Promote and Protect the Lawful Use and Ownership of Firearms in Canada

Contact CSSA

1143 Wentworth St W #204, Oshawa, ON L1J 8P7
Toll-Free: 1-888-873-4339
Phone: 905-720-3142


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