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Ignore and Deflect: Liberal Modus Operandi

Violent crime in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver continue to rise, yet this Liberal government’s only response is, “we banned 1500 assault-style rifles from licensed gun owners two years ago.”

The reality that drug dealers, gang members and home invaders use illegal handguns smuggled in from the United States never seems to gain traction with Marco Mendicino or Bill Blair – two men who ought to know better.

Bill Blair was the chief of the Toronto Police Service.

Marco Mendicino was a federal Crown prosecutor.

They’re not ignorant of these facts, but both Blair and Mendicino ignore these facts so they can deflect blame onto licensed Canadian gun owners instead.

It sells politically. It garners votes for Liberal candidates during an election.

It’s not about keeping Canadians safe, as Mendicino, Blair and Trudeau insist.

They don’t care that an innocent person walking down a Toronto street who was hit with a home invader’s bullet.[i]

They certainly don’t care about the individual who was shot at his home in Surrey, BC.[ii]

And they most definitely don’t care about the 324 repeat offenders who, after being arrested for committing other serious crimes, were also charged with 750 counts of breaching their Firearm Prohibition Orders since January 1st, 2022.[iii]

These are serious public safety issues that Marco Mendicino, Bill Blair and Justin Trudeau completely ignore while blaming licensed Canadian firearm owners.

If this frustrates you as much as it does all of us at the CSSA, please write Marco Mendicino, Bill Blair and Justin Trudeau.

Politely demand they stop playing silly bugger with the lives of Canadians and start doing the hard work of getting illegal guns out of the hands of violent, repeat offenders.

Politely demand they stop the flood of illegal handguns pouring into Canada from the United States.

Politely demand they start caring more about protecting Canadians than they do about protecting their own MP salary.

All three can be reached by snail mail at:

House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario
Canada  K1A 0A6

NOTE: Mail may be sent postage-free to any member of Parliament.

Or you can email them at:








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