Canada’s Minister of Gun Bans, Bill Blair, says guns like the AR-15 are such a threat to public safety they must be banned and confiscated.
“There are some weapons, quite frankly, in my opinion, that are so dangerous that there really is no place in a safe and civil society for them,” he said.[i]
Yet since the election of the Trudeau government four long years ago, Blair has not lifted a finger to remove these “dangerous” guns from the hands of their lawful owners.
And he won’t – until after the federal election.
Not until the Liberal government gets re-elected.
Clearly these guns aren’t as dangerous to public safety as the AR-15 Salesman of the Year would have Canadians believe.
If they were, Minister Blair would have used every tool at his disposal, including banning guns by Order in Council, to remove them from the hands of their licensed and lawful owners.
Immediately. But he didn’t.
Instead, Bill Blair is using “black rifles” like the AR-15 as a Liberal election tool.
It is crass political opportunism at its best – or worst.
These guns are either a problem or they’re not.
They’re either a critical threat to public safety or they’re not.
They can’t be “so dangerous” there is “no place” for them in civil society and still remain in the hands of hundreds of thousands of licensed civilian gun owners.
So what’s really going on here?
The Liberal government is using lawful gun ownership as a political tool, and doing so on the backs of 2.2 million lawful Canadians. That ought to peel the scales from the eyes of even the most hard-line “gun control” advocate.
This might break your heart Wendy, but guns aren’t really an issue to the Liberals. If they were, Bill Blair would act, without hesitation, to remove them from the hands of Canadians.
That he refuses to do so proves one of two things.
Either these guns are not really a threat to public safety or the Liberal Party doesn’t care about public safety.
One or the other. It can’t be both, and we’re putting our money on the crude political games.
So what’s the end game with this spin-dry approach to public safety?
Because the survey conducted by Liberal toadies Hill+Knowlton Strategies at the time of the terrible Parkland shootings in the U.S. claimed, “Gun control presents an untapped opportunity for Justin Trudeau and his team to grow and solidify the voting base that gave them a majority in 2015.”[ii]
Like we said, it’s not about firearms, it’s about votes.
Just as it ever was.
Justin Trudeau’s Backdoor Gun Registry to Become Law