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Liberals Choose Unicorns Over Reality – Always

Justin Trudeau, Marco Mendicino and Bill Blair love to play silly bugger with RCMP-vetted licensed firearm owners, but the Liberals’ three stooges conveniently (and completely) ignore the true menace to public safety.

In the past seven days – June 1-7 – news outlets report that 28 repeat offenders, all sought for committing other crimes, were also charged with 54 counts of breaching their Firearm Prohibition Orders.

If this pace keeps up, June 2022 will break the record for armed violent criminals charged with violating firearm prohibition orders in a single month.

That’s not a record to be proud of, yet this government refuses to lift a finger to fix the problem.

Every law, every regulation and every Order in Council introduced by the Liberals’ three stooges “to stop gun violence” is based on the fantasy – the insanity – that violent repeat offenders will obey the law. This time. We promise!

If that unicorn existed, if this Liberal fantasy was actually reality, then why did police charge 28 repeat offenders with 54 counts of violating their firearm prohibition orders in a single week? 

It’s not like police check on criminals with firearm prohibition orders. They don’t.

No law enforcement agency does.

Police only discovered these 28 criminals were violating their firearm prohibition orders after they were arrested for committing other crimes.

But according to the Liberals’ three stooges, stopping the legal sale of handguns to RCMP-vetted licensed firearm owners will solve the problem of drug dealers, gangs and other violent criminals, right?

Stopping legal handgun sales will prevent criminals with firearm prohibition orders, like the 28 listed below, from using illegal guns to commit their evil deeds, right?

If you believe that ending legal handgun sales will magically and miraculously prevent violent criminals from committing crimes with illegal guns, we encourage you to ask the Liberals’ three stooges for a ride on their Unicorn.



June 1 – 7 Firearm Prohibition Order Violators Reported by News Outlets

  1. June 1, 2022: 25-Year-Old Male): 1 count(s) of Possession Contrary to Order
  2. June 1, 2022: Matthew Chupil): 1 count(s) of Possession of a firearm, weapon, or ammunition contrary to prohibition order
  3. June 1, 2022: Amanda Britney Ann Mccarthur): 2 count(s) of fail to comply with undertaking
  4. June 2, 2022: Sanders Thomas): 2 count(s) of Possession of Firearm or Ammunition Contrary to Prohibition Order
  5. June 2, 2022: Prayer Osakpemwehuan): 1 count(s) of possession of a firearm or ammunition contrary to prohibition order
  6. June 2, 2022: Stephane Aubin): 1 count(s) of possession of firearm or ammunition contrary to a prohibition order
  7. June 2, 2022: 17-Year-Old Youth): 2 count(s) of weapons possession contrary to an order
  8. June 3, 2022: Olivia Braelee Sampson): 4 count(s) of Possession of a firearm contrary to a court order
  9. June 3, 2022: 17-Year-Old Youth): 4 count(s) of Possession of a firearm contrary to a court order
  10. June 3, 2022: Conner “doc” Murdock): 1 count(s) of firearm possession contrary to order
  11. June 3, 2022: Neigel Ryan Noel): 1 count(s) of possession of a firearm contrary to a prohibition order
  12. June 3, 2022: Clayton Hirtle): 1 count(s) of firearm possession contrary to prohibition order
  13. June 3, 2022: 18-Year-Old Man): 1 count(s) of possession of a firearm or ammunition contrary to a prohibition order
  14. June 3 2022: Caleb Kuepfer): 1 count(s) of possession of a firearm contrary to a prohibition order
  15. June 3, 2022: Josh Boocock): 2 count(s) of Firearm Possession Contrary to Order
  16. June 6, 2022: Barry Baldwin): 4 count(s) of Possession Contrary to Order
  17. June 6, 2022: 16-Year-Old Male): 1 count(s) of Possession of a Firearm, Contrary to Prohibition Order
  18. June 6, 2022: 25-Year-Old Brantford Man): 1 count(s) of firearm possession contrary to prohibition order
  19. June 6, 2022: 33-Year-Old Male): 6 count(s) of Possession of a Firearm Contrary to Prohibition Order
  20. June 6, 2022: 32-Year-Old Brantford Man): 2 count(s) of firearm possession contrary to order
  21. June 7, 2022: Chunell Phillips): 2 count(s) of Firearm Possession Contrary to Order
  22. June 7, 2022: Jahvon Anderson): 2 count(s) of Firearm Possession Contrary to Order
  23. June 7, 2022: Nicholas Baumhour): 2 count(s) of Firearm Possession Contrary to Prohibition Order
  24. June 7, 2022: Jason Farr): 2 count(s) of Possession of a Firearm or Ammunitions Contrary to Prohibition
  25. June 7, 2022: Jessica Lepine): 1 count(s) of Possession of a Firearm or Ammunitions Contrary to Prohibition Order
  26. June 7, 2022: Blake Allan Wade Morand): 3 count(s) of Possess Firearm Contrary to Order
  27. June 7, 2022: Racheal Budd): 1 count(s) of possession of a weapon contrary to a court order
  28. June 7, 2022: Chad William Pashko): 2 count(s) of Weapons possession contrary to order

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