On July 7th, the Dutch coalition government collapsed after members failed to agree on immigration levels, so the official line says, but political upheaval in The Netherlands cannot be explained…
Justin Trudeau’s failed policies – fiscal, racial, social, judicial and ethical – divide Canadians across all of these lines and across the political spectrum.
Anyone who disagrees with the Prime…
Government The Destroyer proudly claims victory as it sacrifices another small business upon the altar of virtue signalling and political correctness.
This week, a 40-year-old Ontario family business announced it…
Lost in Liberal virtue signalling about their Firearm Confiscation Compensation Scheme (and their lies about how it will “keep Canadians safe”) is any mention of compensation for all the spare…
Thanks to an Access to Information (ATIP) request by Joey Gilliland, we know the Liberal government’s own estimates for its Firearms Confiscation Compensation Scheme (they call it a “buyback”) topped…
Once again, rain threatened to douse the spirits of 113 MPs, Senators, Hill staffers and over 100 volunteers – if not the forest fires whose smoke settled over The Stittsville…